SixRiceUniversityprofessors recently went toNankaiUniversityand developed a coordinated series of thirteen white paper proposals on research areas of common interest needed to protect the region ofTianjinarea andBohaiGulf. These joint proposals cover the areas of (1) Bioremediation and nanotechnology; (2) Fate and transport of organic chemicals and heavy metals; (3) Hydrology, surface and groundwater modeling; (4) Drinking water purification; (5) Atmospheric pollution control and remediation; and (6) Environmental policy and regulatory structure.
A. Research and technology development focus
1) Nanotechnology application in environmental protection, cleanup.
2) Drinking water preservation, purification and protection.
3) Groundwater preservation, remediation, and modeling.
4) Atmospheric pollution prevention, control, and modeling.
5) Environmental law, regulation, and policy studies.
6) Energy issues related to circular economy and sustainable development.
7) Basic science seed projects.
B. Technology transfer
1) Annual Conference: Feature invited speakers from industry and government; update study progress and discuss future research directions.
2) Publications: Peer reviewed papers, patent, technical manuals, conference proceedings and best practice recommendations.
3) Short courses in Tianjin and Houston to explore the technologies, policies, and social/economic issues related to sustainable development.
4) Provide proactive communication platform to transfer regulatory and technical information to business and governmental entities of both regions.
5) Facilitate business opportunities for US companies inChina and vice versa.
C. Education
1) Internships and exchange of for respective students, staffs and faculties up to one year.
2) Short courses: Two to three days with Certificate; e.g., membranes, bioremediation, arsenic removal with nanotechnology. Staffs from respective universities, local companies, and government organizations will be invited.